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SC-Consultants Store

The SC-Consultants store is available for selecting our events.They are divided into three objectives : discover, test and operate.

The Promotion

The "Promotion" events are designed to discover SC-Consultants simulation software. They are the place for sharing process optimisation experience and access our products features.

The Course

The SC-Consultants "Course" events are dedicated to test SC-Consultants simulation software. Attendees are given technical background information and in a second step can exercise the software. As an option, a temporary license is delivered at the end of the course.

The Training

The "Training" events consist in an practical or advanced teaching session in order to operate SC-Consultants software. They present the theoritical background as well as practical exercises to maximise the return on investment.

You may apply to our Promotions, Courses and Training events by clicking on the desired elements on the agenda below.

Find also all the "Software Academy" events organized to share customers experiences and give tips and tricks.

On your agenda

Nom Date Duration Place
Ludovic 3Month-license Mar 13 2024
Ludovic training Jul 17 2024 2 days Saint-Etienne
AMI Compounding World Brussels Sep 11 2024 2 days Brussels Expo
AMI Compounding World- Cleveland Nov 13 2024 2 days Cleveland

To get more details about a specific promotion / course / training, contact SCC.

For your registration :

Contact us